A Head-Spinning Week – a recap

Over the last week we’ve witnessed: The Supreme Court hear oral arguments against Texas’ extreme 6-week abortion  ban; The Supreme Court side with the Albany Diocese AGAINST New York State, potentially overturning health insurance requirements concerning abortion; Ohio’s introduction of HB 480 that is a total ban…

ALERT: Supreme Court Hears Texas Abortion Ban TODAY!

TODAY the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments against the most restrictive abortion ban in the country – Texas' SB 8 law. As the Court hears the two cases challenging Texas’ ban on almost all abortion, it has never been more clear, WE MUST ACT. We – together…

TAKE ACTION: Women’s Health Protection Act VOTE THIS FRIDAY 9/24

TAKE ACTION U.S. House to Vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act THIS FRIDAY - 9/24 Texas’s extreme abortion ban makes clear: We need a federal law that protects the right to abortion in every state. Congress must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA)…

Breaking: Supreme Court denies emergency request to block Texas’ 6-week abortion ban

In a 5-4 vote the U.S. Supreme Court has denied the request to block Texas’ Senate Bill 8 extreme abortion ban. S.B. 8 takes effect immediately and forces almost all legal abortion in Texas to stop. The law bans abortion after just six weeks of pregnancy—before…

Lubbock, Texas – The Picture of Oppression

--Charlotte Baron What does June 1st, 2021 mean to you? For the woman of Lubbock, Texas, it was the day their rights were stripped away. Texas has been at the forefront of restrictions on a woman’s reproductive rights. By now, most of us are aware…

21st Century Abortion Wars

Opponents of abortion rights are using state legislatures to advance hundreds of extreme, unconstitutional and dangerous legislation – and we need Choice Matters supporters like you in the fight to push back. Since Trump left office, more than 560 abortion restrictions have been introduced, including 165 bans.  On July…

Suing total strangers involved in an abortion

Texas has passed the most extreme abortion ban since Roe. Since Trump left office – that’s just 6 months ago - 561 abortion restrictions have been introduced across 47 states (as of 6/7/21). 83 of those restrictions have been enacted across 16 states, including 10…

Why we say equity matters

EQ·UI·TY  /ˈekwədē/ freedom from bias or favoritism; something that is equitable EQ-UI-TA-BLE  \ ˈe-kwə-tə-bəl  dealing fairly and equally with all concerned EVERY YEAR. ALL YEAR LONG. DAY IN & DAY OUT. We at Choice Matters FIGHT for Reproductive EQUITY. The changes we need will only come through legislation. We MUST…