Tag: georgia

Marching Orders from Fair Fight!

Dear Friends and Allies,

I am forwarding to you directions and information from our Fair Fight allies in Georgia. The run-off election is just over 3 weeks away. There is not time to lose!

Remember: The holidays come every year, but a run-off election like this comes once in a lifetime!

Hello friends,

Thank you all for your support and work for Georgia families! We are now just 24 days from Election Day (January 5th, 2021) and early voting starts next week, on the 14th. There’s a lot of work to be done and we hope that you will join us or one of our partners in this work.

You can sign up to phonebank or textbank with Fair Fight here: https://www.mobilize.us/fairfight/

Sign up to volunteer with the Democratic Party of Georgia’s voter protection team.

Volunteer Directly with the Ossoff and Warnock Campaigns:

Interested in helping to turn out Latinos in Georgia? Volunteer with Mijente: https://www.mobilize.us/mijentepac/

Sign up to do in person volunteering in Georgia with America Votes

**Because of an increase in doxxing and threats of violence surrounding this election we strongly advise that IN ALL of your voter contact scripts you make sure to identify yourself and your organization at the start of every call/text/postcard, before asking for or providing any other information.**

There is a lot of disinformation going around right now and it’s important not to spread it. Please read our statement on disinformation

Other ways to be involved: 
Contribute to Fair Fight and the Ossoff and Warnock Senate campaigns all at once. 

Other Ways to Invest in Georgia

“Now we have a historic two-Democrat runoff for the US Senate. One candidate is Black—a candidate Georgia’s election runoffs were invented to disqualify, Ebenezer Baptist Church’s Rev. Raphael Warnock—and the other, investigative journalist Ossoff, is white and Jewish. It’s the combination the late Dr. King and Representative John Lewis saw as creating the beloved community in Georgia, a combination Warnock called “marvelous” the other day.” by Joan Walsh, The Nation, 11/20/2020 

GEORGIA – Let’s take it to the next level!

Dear Friends and Allies,

After a slow exhale, take your right hand and put it over your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back. Each and every one of us has worked so hard to get here. President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris – How terrific is that!!!

Savor the moment.

Because the next fight has already begun.

The run-off elections, in Georgia on January 5th, will include electing TWO (not one!) US Senators who will determine the fate of the Senate and the path that the Biden/Harris first two years will take.

We must win BOTH Senate seats to secure the Senate majority in order to have any chance at a successful progressive agenda.

Let’s Focus:
>The US Senate Run-Off Election Day is January 5th!
>Early Voting begins December 14th.
>Voters can register until December 7.
(Link to register – click here.) 

Maybe you know Georgia residents who aren’t registered, or friends or relatives who just moved. Send them the link or print up a registration form and mail it to them, along with an envelope addressed to the Secretary of State, State of Georgia, PO Box 105325, Atlanta, Georgia 30348-9562. (Click here for the application and return envelope with return address.)

Voters must APPLY for absentee ballots or vote in person.
>Georgia residents can start requesting their absentee/mail-in ballot today if they don’t want to vote in person at the polls.
>Georgia residents can make sure their registered to vote by clicking here,
>They can fill out an absentee/mail-in ballot request by clicking here.

Beginning November 18, 2020: Absentee ballots will begin to be mailed out to those who requested one.

Here are several Phone Banking and Texting Opportunities:
>Phone Bank for Georgia Runoff Race for U.S. Senate! Hosted by Flip the West.  https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/362350/

>Georgia Runoff Strike Team Hosted by the Georgia Democrats

>Immigrants for Biden Hosted by the Georgia Democrats

>Postcards to Georgia Voters for U.S. Senate Runoff Race! Hosted by Flip the West

>Reclaim our Vote Campaign

Call 914-946-5363
or email: vote@prochoicevoter.org

Let’s Keep Moving Forward!