Author: catherine

Yes, there are pro-choice NY Republicans. Gina Arena is NOT one of them!

Catherine Lederer-Plaskett responds in The Journal News:

Gina Arena, who is running for the fourth time, is definitely NOT pro-choice. She has shared her staunch anti-choice views in her answers on the Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion — Choice Matters questionnaire and in her follow-up interview in 2019. Choice Matters sends its questionnaire to each individual running for the Westchester County Legislature and for every higher office, every year. Arena has refused to participate in her three subsequent races and has been marked ANTI-CHOICE each time. She has also been endorsed by the anti-abortion anti-contraception group Westchester Putnam Right to Life PAC.

In her own handwriting, Arena has stated that abortion should be legal only in cases of rape or incest or to save the life of the woman — and only in the first trimester. She opposes both Roe v. Wade and the New York State Reproductive Health Act that enshrined Roe in state law. She advocates for harsh regulations for both patients and healthcare providers, and opposes assistance to the incarcerated. She is against the FDA decision making emergency contraception available over-the-counter. And that’s just for starters.

From abortion to contraception to facility and provider access, Arena stands vehemently opposed to women’s comprehensive reproductive health care.

But now as she works to defeat Proposition No. 1, the NY Equal Rights Amendment, she is attempting to placate voters by whitewashing her real position in order to “rebrand” herself. Why? Because New York voters support abortion rights and comprehensive reproductive care by a huge margin. Contrary to her op-ed, Arena’s anti-abortion position does not make her pro-choice. Choice Matters will not allow Arena to redefine the term pro-choice to suit her campaign and suggest that the term “anti-choice” applies only to those who advocate for a total abortion ban.

New Yorkers should not be fooled by her deceitful use of alternate facts.

Arena belongs to a formidable opposition movement led by MAGA-style anti-choice extremists that is spreading disinformation with the goal of defeating Prop #1.

Prop  #1 closes loopholes to make sure that no New Yorker can be discriminated against. In addition to protecting abortion rights in the state Constitution, it will elevate access to all reproductive health care including contraception and IVF, protect older New Yorkers, those with disabilities, and the LGBT community.

The truth is that Pro. No. 1 is totally consistent with the federal Title IX and NYS Human Rights Laws. States must comply with federal legislation. Signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1972, Title IX “prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.” Women have benefited beyond anyone’s wildest dreams from Title IX, and will continue to!

On Nov. 5, New Yorkers have the opportunity to stand up against discrimination and for equality and abortion rights. We must seize the moment. Turn over the ballot and vote yes on Prop  #1.

Catherine Lederer-Plaskett is president of WCLA – Choice Matters. WCLA – Choice Matters’ mission is to ensure that all women – regardless of age, race, class, immigration status, geography or ability to pay – have full, unimpeded access to reproductive health care. The oldest ongoing pro-choice advocacy organization in the nation, Choice Matters is and always has been non-partisan.



New York’s 2024 Primary Day is now in the rearview mirror.

The big news of the night:  ProChoice Voter-endorsed George Latimer won the Democratic Primary, defeating the incumbent, in CD 16 which encompasses part of the north Bronx and the 12 cities, towns and villages in southern Westchester.

Although there is a Republican anti-choice opponent running in the November General Election, this is a solidly Blue seat. Winning now in the Primary pretty much guarantees Latimer will be heading to Washington DC as CD 16’s congressional representative, starting in 2025.

Latimer has already reached out, wanting to stay out in front on all reproductive health-related bills that are before Congress. We look forward to working with him!
It was a different story in the Working Families Party (WFP) Primary in CD 17 which encompasses northern Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and part of Dutchess, and in New York SD 38 in Rockland County. This is not good when looking toward the November election.

Pro-choice Democratic candidate Mondaire Jones lost the WFP line to an anti-choice stooge WFP candidate. His anti-choice extremist opponent is on the Conservative and Republican lines.

Democratic candidate and ally Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, who is running to reclaim his NYS Senate seat, also lost to a WFP stooge candidate.

The Republican party has been working to take over the WFP line all over the state. Their strategy is to get conservative allies to enroll in the WFP to create a voting block, and then to run a stooge candidate. If they are successful and their candidate wins, they believe they can mislead voters in November into thinking the name on that line is a progressive, stealing votes away from the Democrat. Is this illegal? Yes, as seen in 2014/2015 when the Independence Party named Rob Astorino et al. for “raiding” its line.
In the Westchester County District Attorney race, Susan Cacace defeated William Wagstaff III. 
Both Cacace and Wagstaff were rated 100% Pro-Choice. No endorsement was made here.

Despite having dropped out of the race, anti-choice Adeel Mirza’s name still appeared on the ballot. He picked up 7,153 votes (9%).
———————————————————————————-In the rematch for the New York State Assembly District #92 seat, MaryJane Shimsky defeated Tom Abinanti.

Both Abinanti and Shimsky were rated 100% Pro-Choice. No endorsement was made here.

This, like CD 16, is a Blue seat. Winning in the Primary means Shimsky is heading back to Albany.
———————————————————————————-The Major Take-Away

If Mondaire is to win in November, AND we are to take back Congress, YOU NEED TO GET INVOLVED!


We need to stop them and to do so, we need YOUR help to elect a Pro-Choice Trifecta! We must take back the House and hold the Senate and White House. 

92 Assembly District – Greenburgh, Mt Pleasant, Yonkers

NYS Assembly District 92
(Mount Pleasant, northern Yonkers, most of Greenburgh)

Two candidates – Tom Abinanti and MaryJane Shimsky – are running for election to the Assembly. Abinanti is seeking to reclaim his seat, lost to Shimsky two years ago.

Both candidates are rated 100% Pro-Choice by Choice Matters.

Tom Abinanti has played a unique role in our pro-choice history.

Abinanti served on the WCLA – Choice Matters Board and as our pro bono attorney for 12 years. He provided his time and legal counsel without hesitation. His counsel helped this organization become the powerhouse it is today.

Among his many pro-choice actions and votes, Abinanti was an original sponsor of Westchester’s Safe Clinic Access Bill while serving as County Legislator. Abinanti also co-sponsored and voted for the Reproductive Health Act and the NYS Equal Rights Amendment.

MaryJane Shimsky, while serving as County Legislator, co-sponsored the Westchester Reproductive Health Care Facilities Act, the only bill of its kind in the nation. County Executive Latimer signed it into law on June 27, 2022. Shimsky is a member of the NYS Bipartisan Pro-Choice Legislative Caucus.

Rape Is Rape Act
Both Abinanti and Shimsky are supporters of the legislation Rape Is Rape Act that became law.

As an ardent careful legislator, Abinanti worked to make necessary changes to the original versions of the bill. Governor Hochul required many of those changes to be incorporated before signing the bill. Shimsky voted for the bill in its final form.

The Focus of this 2024 Primary is NOT Abortion Rights
 But it is just about as local as local gets.

This Primary revolves completely around legislation allowing Greenburgh’s wealthy enclave of Edgemont to incorporate (allowing portions of a town to become a village) at the expense of the rest of unincorporated Greenburgh. (Impact studies.)

The new law, sponsored by Shimsky, Assembly Bill A7761(2023), allows Edgemont to form its own village, which could result in skyrocketing property taxes and far fewer services for the rest of those in unincorporated Greenburgh. Abinanti is an outspoken opponent of this legislation.

The original incorporation legislation has its roots in Jim Crow.

Incorporation in NYS law was adopted to keep villages white, only allowing residents of the designated “village” area to vote. Still today, despite the impact on the rest of unincorporated Greenburgh residents, only Edgemont residents will be permitted to vote on incorporation.

Disclosure: Several members of the Choice Matters’ board, past and present, live in unincorporated Greenburgh.

ProChoice Voter Endorses George Latimer for Congress!

🔥 We are in a state of crisis never-before-seen in the world of reproductive health care here in the United States.

The situation has become so dire that a 6-week abortion ban no longer shocks — and the US Supreme Court just heard a case deciding whether the life of a pregnant woman is more or less important than a fetus. Can a doctor perform an emergency abortion when a woman is dying in the ER, if the state law outlaws abortion?

🔥 We need Reproductive Rights LEADERS. 
🔥  George Latimer is the Leader we need In CD 16.

There are two candidates rated Pro-Choice but only George Latimer is endorsed by ProChoice Voter.

Throughout his career, Latimer has been an outspoken advocate for women’s reproductive rights. He co-sponsored the Reproductive Health Act and the Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act while in the NYS Senate and the Assembly. He has supported pay equity, safe access to healthcare clinics, comprehensive sexuality education, and paid family leave.

Now as Westchester County Executive, George Latimer has taken on the mantel of leadership. He has taken it beyond “a vote”, making abortion access key to his governance. Since 2017 when he first ran against right-to-life endorsed, anti-choice zealot Rob Astorino, Latimer has spoken out on ensuring safe access to comprehensive reproductive health care. After the invasion of All Women’s Health in White Plains, the Westchester County Board of Legislators, with Latimer’s support, passed our Reproductive Health Care Facilities Access Act — the first law of its kind anywhere in the nation, protecting both access and services. George Latimer signed it into law the very weekend Roe v. Wade was overturned. Going a step further, Latimer is ensuring that Westchester’s police officers know the laws they are called to enforce when protecting reproductive healthcare facilities.

ProChoice Voter is proud to endorse George Latimer for Congress!

(This is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.)

ProChoice Voter Endorses Mondaire Jones!



NYS Congressional District (CD) 17  

🔥 Mondaire is a Pro-Choice ally.

🔥 His Opponent is Anti-Choice, and may also be a WFP imposter.

The Back Story:
The Working Families Party (WFP) has its primary election on June 25.

Mondaire Jones, the endorsed WFP candidate, is being challenged by Anti-Choice Anthony Frascone from Rockland.

It is rumored that Anti-Choice Frascone is being “encouraged” to run by anti-abortion zealot, incumbent MAGA Republican Mike Lawler.
Republicans have attempted to highjack the Working Families Party before – much like what Rob Astorino’s gang did in 2014 to the Independence Party.

Last year, WFP candidates were targeted by imposters in Monroe Countyand in Yonkers in 2021.

Now, it appears, to be happening to the WFP in CD 17.

If Mondaire doesn’t win, he will only be on one party line in November, while MAGA extremist Lawler will be on two – the Republican and Conservative lines – thus potentially enabling Lawler to pick up more votes than Mondaire.

Don’t let these imposters win on June 25. It could adversely impact the General Election in November and keep Republicans in charge of the House.

Mondaire Jones is the real deal. He is the WFP endorsed candidate!

All WFP voters in CD 17 must come out and VOTE FOR MONDAIRE JONES ON JUNE 25!


Paid for by ProChoice Voter. This is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

2 Pro-Choice, 1 Anti-Choice Democratic Primary DA Candidates!

There are three candidates running for the office of Westchester County District Attorney in the Democratic Primary. Choice Matters interviewed each of them in depth and reviewed their individual questionnaires.

Choice Matters has rated two of the candidates — William Wagstaff and Susan Cacace — 100% PRO-CHOICE. Choice Matters has rated the third candidate, Adeel Mirza, — ANTI-CHOICE.

Whereas Wagstaff and Cacace present different visions for the office they are seeking, seeing their responsibilities and the people they would represent differently, there is no question that both candidates grasp the dramatic role the District Attorney’s office will be called upon to play in this horrific time of every-increasing violence against providers, staff, patients and reproductive healthcare facilities.

The same cannot be said of Adeel Mirza who has demonstrated a callous indifference to, and serious lack of knowledge of federal, state and County legislation pertaining to the right to access comprehensive reproductive health care in New York and the securing of safe access. Further, Mirza has stated unequivocally that he would hire and appoint anti-choice assistant district attorneys (ADA) who could serve as prosecutors in clinic invasion cases, claiming they would be equally able to apply the law.

This level of ignorance is dangerous. Across the country we have witnessed DAs and ADAs enforcing laws as they saw fit, winning and losing cases based on their own personal biases.

Candidates running for office, particularly on the Democratic line, have learned the power of claiming to be pro-choice. But simply saying so does not make it true. Look at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  — or Jeannine Pirro or Virginia Perez or Robert Castelli, to name a few. All claimed to be pro-choice until they didn’t. Mirza is no different. His false claim plays a prominent role in his literature. While we may never know whether the sexual assault charges against him were true because he has chosen to settle them just a few days ago, we do know that he is definitely not pro-choice.

Please remember, just as you can’t be a little bit pregnant, you can’t be a little pro-choice.

In this Democratic Primary, please vote for either William Wagstaff or Susan Cacace. Take the time to learn their positions on the responsibilities of the Westchester County District Attorney’s office.

WCLA PAC is not endorsing in this race because neither of the candidates rated 100% Pro-Choice has a record of pro-choice accomplishments, yet.

A single voice – the spark that lights the fire

Across the country we’ve witnessed single voices sharing their stories – standing up, alone, and speaking out. Betting that their individual voices, a simple droplet, will become part of a river flowing into the ocean igniting a tidal wave, then a national repro tsunami.

Here in Westchester we had our own single voice.

On March 7th, the night of the State of the Union speech, one woman – 37 weeks pregnant – traveled to DC to stand along side the US Senate Majority leader, NYS Senator Chuck Schumer, to show the world what determination looks like. Kate Farley – a pro-abortion rights, second-time IVF success story –  told the world of her very personal and private struggle with holding a pregnancy.

Despite years of heartbreaking loss, just days before she was due, Kate ventured to Washington to share her story, to add her voice, in this very unjust war against women and comprehensive reproductive health care.

This is what courage looks like.

Kate concluded her detailed explanation of why in vitro fertilization was her only path to a successful pregnancy with the statement, “An embryo is not a baby.”

Not all of us have a story we are able to share, or a vehicle upon which to make it public.  And for many of us, we’d rather leave the past behind.

But, hopefully, all of us are inspired to take action.

There are 2 critical vehicles we each have available to take action, to make change at this moment in history: DONATE and VOTE.

NOT voting is NOT an option. Without your vote, we will definitely lose. Comprehensive reproductive health care will be gone. This week Florida joined the states with a six-week abortion ban. Doctors will go to jail, and women are being prosecuted for miscarriages. Republicans speak of passing a national abortion ban in the next Congress. SO NOT voting is NOT an option.

Donating is the second critical vehicle. Without your financial support we cannot reach new pro-choice registrants or mobilize our base. We need you to make a contribution. Can we count on you? Without you, we will lose.

NYS ERA – On the 2024 NYS Ballot!

The New York Equal Rights Amendment will be on the ballot this November! After passing in the NYS legislature in 2022 and 2023, it will go to NY voters on November 5, 2024. This comes at a critical time in US history when state legislatures across the country are passing draconian abortion bans and attacking contraception.

“The New York State Equal Rights Amendment is an amendment to New York’s State Constitution that adds explicit protections for people who experience discrimination. At a moment in time when we are seeing state governments and courts walk rights backwards, this proposal embeds explicit protections within our state constitution.

Adding to existing enumerated protections against discrimination based on race and religion, this amendment would explicitly prohibit discrimination based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex—including their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes, reproductive healthcare and autonomy.

This Amendment ensures that New York’s founding document and our strongest legal protections extend to all New Yorkers the right to be free from discrimination, particularly those who have faced severe and pervasive injustice.” New Yorkers for Equal Rights

Across the US states, abortion is on the ballot. It looks like as many as 13 states may have constitutional amendments intended to enshrine abortion rights in individual state constitutions.  The processes are lengthy and arduous, and vary from state-to-state. In many states voters must collect a sizable number of signatures. In New York, a proposed amendment must pass in two different legislative sessions.

It’s all politics. SCOTUS & Mifepristone

The judicial responses to the oral arguments in the US Supreme Court case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine heard Tuesday were, to put it mildly, “curious” — And you have every reason to be suspicious.

After all, this was the first abortion-related SCOTUS hearing since the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the decision could decimate access to medication abortion nationwide a thought that you would think would make these extremist judges salivate.

But yet at least 4 of the 6-judge zealot majority that overturned Roe v. Wade were “skeptical” of the plaintiffs’ arguments. Really??

How is that possible? This is the radically right-wing Court that overturned 49 years of precedent when it did away with Roe v. Wade — and has a record of decisions showing they’re beholding to a MAGA agenda and driven by Christian extremism.

Could it be that these 6 Republican-appointed justices are reading the political tea leaves just like you and me?

69%+ Americans support abortion rights, the largest percentage ever,
64% of Americans – nearly two in threeoppose a law which bans access to a medication abortion.
— Abortion rights have WON in EVERY election where it’s been on the ballot since Roe v. Wade was overturned.
— Even in bright red Alabama, a Democrat running on abortion rights just won on Tuesday. She even made a commercial about her own abortion story. 

The message is clear: abortion remains a winning issue, even in the deep South.

Abortion is likely to be on the ballot in 11 states in November, driving up voter turnout in a presidential election year.

This is NOT a reality that these 6 Supreme Court zealots want to advance. Better to put the mifepristone decision off until after the November 2024 elections.

How? If the Supreme Court decides— in its decision due in June 2024 — to limit the FDA approval of mifepristone in any way, the 2024 election impact would be swift. 

Therefore, the right-wing majority zeroed in on the argument of “standing”. Do the plaintiffs have standing to bring this case? In other words, are they personally impacted so that they can challenge the FDA?

This simply kicks the can down the road until after the election in November.

This radical Court has already handed Democrats several elections because they overturned Roe v Wade. They don’t want to hand the Democrats the 2024 elections by overturning the FDA approval of medication abortion.

The 6-judge zealot Republican majority can decide that the plaintiffs did not have standing which would allow the anti-choice forces to resurrect the case after the elections with new plaintiffs – thereby opening the door again to outlawing medication abortion and undermining the authority of the FDA.

They will wait. After all, this is politics and they’re not going anywhere. 

And they might use the Comstock Act to do it.  Both extremist judges Alito and Thomas already appeared to support the argument that the mailing of medication abortion is violating the Comstock Act — a law passed by Congress in 1873 that makes it illegal to use the mail for transporting any “obscene, lewd, or lascivious book, pamphlet, picture, paper, print, or other publication of an indecent character, or any article or thing designed or intended for the prevention of conception or procuring of abortion.”

SCOTUS to hear argument limiting/banning abortion pill

Tuesday, March 26th, US Supreme Court to hear oral arguments to limit or ban the abortion pill mifepristone

“The same U.S. Supreme Court that overturned the constitutional right to an abortion will hear oral arguments Tuesday over access to mifepristone, a pharmaceutical used in both medication abortion and miscarriage care.

The nine justices will then decide whether to leave access to the drug intact or require the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to revert prescribing instructions to what were in place before 2016.

The court decision will affect the entire country, including states that have sought to shore up access to reproductive rights following the Dobbs ruling less than two years ago.

The Supreme Court opinion, likely not to come until late spring, will land in the middle of a presidential campaign in which Democrats are elevating the question of reproductive rights. The debate is also likely to affect GOP efforts to grow their majority in the U.S. House and flip the Senate red….” Click here to read the NC Newsline story by Jennifer Shutt.

The real issue is that while the legality of mifepristone may not be at risk, access and availability of the medication most definitely are. The Court could turn the clock back to 2000 approval levels, 2016, pre-pandemic or pre-telemedicine – making it impossible for many to get abortion care.

“Reinstating an in-person requirement could substantially curtail access to abortion in the post-Roe v. Wade landscape. With abortion almost completely illegal in 14 states and banned after six weeks in two more, people seeking to terminate pregnancies are now far more likely to rely on telemedicine….” Click here to read the 19th News story by Shefali Luthra

This case is also about the Comstock Act which was passed by Congress in 1873. The religious zealots cited the Comstock Law in their Texas lawsuit because the Comstock Law makes it illegal to use the mail for transporting any “obscene, lewd, or lascivious book, pamphlet, picture, paper, print, or other publication of an indecent character, or any article or thing designed or intended for the prevention of conception or procuring of abortion.” Click here to read morestory by Grace Haley.

SCOTUS could decide to uphold the Comstock Act, thereby making the distribution of mediation abortion by mail illegal. 

Mifepristone is one of two pills in mediation abortion used to end a pregnancy.

Mifepristone is safe. “[Mifepristone] has been used for over 20 years by over five million people with the capacity to become pregnant,” said Ushma Upadhyay, an associate professor in the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive science at the University of California, San Francisco. “Its safety is very well established.”

Is Mifepristone effective? “The researchers found that the medication was effective – it ended the pregnancy without any additional follow-up care for 97.7% of patients.” Read more here.

“Mifepristone was approved by the FDA over two decades ago, in September 2000 for medical termination of pregnancy through seven weeks gestation and this was extended to ten weeks gestation in 2016. FDA approved a generic version of Mifeprex, Mifepristone Tablets, 200 mg, in April 2019.” Read more here