Author: catherine

WE DID IT! WHPA passed the House!



We DID it!
Today, 218 members of the U.S. Congress voted to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. This is the first time in history, the House of Representatives has voted on proactive legislation to protect abortion rights.

The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) is federal legislation that works toward a future where all of us are free to make the personal decisions that shape our lives, our futures, and our families, without political interference.

The passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act is the first step in ensuring equal access to abortion care—everywhere and for everyone. The passage is essential for social and economic equality, reproductive autonomy, and the right to determine our own lives.

It could not be any clearer than it is today that we MUST continue to elect pro-choice candidates. The bill passed 218-211 with Representative Henry Cuellar (D., Texas) joining Republicans in voting “no.” Henry Cuellar is up for re-election in 2022. We need to get this anti-choice, anti-woman Democrat out of office!

Take the time to thank the New York Democratic delegation – all of whom voted YES! (CLICK HERE for the link and contact information.)

You can use these sample tweets:
Sample Tweet #1Today, @TKTKTK voted YES for the Women’s Health Protection Act. Thank you for standing with us to #ActforAbortionAccess. 👏👏👏 #legalchoicematters

Sample Tweet #2 @TKTKTKTK, @TKTKTKTKT, @TKTKTKT: Today, you stood up for equal access to abortion, everywhere. Thank you for voting YES for the Women’s Health Protection Act! #ActforAbortionAccess #legalchoicematters

What comes next?
The  WHPA now goes to the Senate. At this time, we do not have any details on when the bill will be introduced.

However, it is imperative that everyone urge their Senators to support the Women’s Health Protection Act!

We need everyone united to get the WHPA passed in the Senate. Our strength is in our numbers.


TAKE ACTION: Women’s Health Protection Act VOTE THIS FRIDAY 9/24


U.S. House to Vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act

Texas’s extreme abortion ban makes clear: We need a federal law that protects the right to abortion in every state. Congress must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) of 2021.

Equal access to abortion care—everywhere—is essential for social and economic equality, reproductive autonomy, and the right to determine our own lives.

The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) is federal legislation that works toward a future where all of us are free to make the personal decisions that shape our lives, our futures, and our families, without political interference.

It’s Time to Tell Congress: VOTE YES on WHPA!

ALL of New York’s Democratic Congressional Representatives are Co-Sponsors.
Here is a list of the New York Democratic delegation. CLICK HERE.
Call them and/or send a tweet. Their phone numbers are available on the link.

CLICK HERE for the names and contact information.

Here is a simple tweet to send:
“Thank you @TKTK, @TKTK, & @TKTKTK for co-sponsoring #WHPA. With your help, we are one step closer to ensuring equal access to abortion, everywhere. #ActforAbortionAccess #LegalChoiceMatters”


Tell our members of Congress to co-sponsor WHPA now.


Ask them to vote “YES” on Friday!

Here are their names and contact info:
Jared Golden (Maine) (202) 225-6306, (207) 249-7400  @RepGolden @golden4congress

Frank Pallone (New Jersey) (202) 225-4671, (732) 249-8892
@FrankPallone  @pallonefornj

Vincente Gonzalez (Texas) (202) 225-2531, (361) 209-3027
@RepGonzalez   @Vicentecongress

Henry Cuellar (Texas) (202) 225-1640, (210) 271-2851
@RepCuellar @cuellarcampaign

Filemon Vela (Texas)(202) 225-9901, (956) 544-8352
@RepFilemonVela @FilemonVela

We need to urge ALL representatives to VOTE YES to WHPA! Use these tweets to spread our message: 

Tweet #1 Option
Don’t let Texas’s draconian abortion ban #SB8 become the blueprint for other states. Congress must VOTE YES & PASS the Women’s Health Protection Act TODAY. #ActforAbortionAccess #legalchoicematters

Tweet #2 Option
Abortion IS healthcare. Abortion IS essential. But in TX, abortion is now virtually inaccessible. It’s time for Congress to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act #ActforAbortionAccess #legalchoicematters

Breaking: Supreme Court denies emergency request to block Texas’ 6-week abortion ban

In a 5-4 vote the U.S. Supreme Court has denied the request to block Texas’ Senate Bill 8 extreme abortion ban. S.B. 8 takes effect immediately and forces almost all legal abortion in Texas to stop.

The law bans abortion after just six weeks of pregnancy—before most women even know they’re pregnant, with no exception for rape or incest.

S.B. 8 is clearly unconstitutional. It effectively eliminates the guarantee in Roe v. Wade and subsequent Supreme Court decisions that women have a right to end their pregnancies before viability, and that states may not impose undue burdens on that decision.

S.B. 8 also effectively deputizing private citizens to enforce this law. “Any private citizen — even if they don’t live in the state — can sue anyone they suspect of “aiding or abetting” abortion care in Texas and be rewarded with at least $10,000 if they win, with all their legal fees paid for by the other side.”* The law allows for anyone to be sued, including doctors, nurses, a friend or family member — or even an Uber driver. Already extremist groups have mounted a web campaign recruiting vigilantes to sue.

This is a full-scale assault on privacy and reproductive health care. Bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right.

Choice Matters is pushing back against this massive assault and we are asking you to join us.

Together we can win passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) and the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act (EACH Woman) in Congress ensuring that all women across the country have full unimpeded access to abortion;


Together we will make New York State the Reproductive Rights Sanctuary we know it can be – making sure that all persons have full, equal and unimpeded access to comprehensive reproductive health care throughout the state regardless of their ability to pay or geographic location. We must make sexual education a part of our academic curriculum; medication abortion available on SUNY campuses; and emergency contraception available free of charge.

People’s fundamental freedoms depend on our strength and persistence. Thank you for your passionate support for reproductive freedom.

Lubbock, Texas – The Picture of Oppression

–Charlotte Baron

What does June 1st, 2021 mean to you? For the woman of Lubbock, Texas, it was the day their rights were stripped away.

Texas has been at the forefront of restrictions on a woman’s reproductive rights. By now, most of us are aware of the Texas “heartbeat” law that bans abortions after a heartbeat has been detected – as early as six weeks – and allows private citizens to sue anyone involved in the abortion process. However, many are not aware of what is happening in small Texas cities.

An ordinance that made Lubbock, Texas a “sanctuary city for the unborn” went into effect on June 1st, 2021. The City Council rejected the ordinance which led to a vote by the residents of Lubbock. 62% of residents voted to enact the ordinance. Lubbock is not the first city to pass a total ban on abortions within its city limit. However, it is the first city to have a Planned Parenthood that provides abortions within its limits and is the largest city to enforce an ordinance of this kind.

The ordinance completely bans abortions within the city. Similar to the state law, the ordinance allows family members of a person who has an abortion to sue the provider and any individuals who help a woman get an abortion. The measure can only be enforced by private citizens unless the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. The ordinance states “Abortion at all times and at all stages of pregnancy is declared to be an act of murder.”

A lawsuit was filed by Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Surgical Health Services. The suit identifies the city’s “Ordinance Outlawing Abortion” as a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. The lawsuit was dismissed by a federal district judge, saying Planned Parenthood did not have standing to sue the city.

On June 1st, the Planned Parenthood in Lubbock stopped all abortion services. In order to get an abortion now a woman must now travel a minimum of 600 miles round-trip. This is unacceptable and unconstitutional.

21st Century Abortion Wars

Opponents of abortion rights are using state legislatures to advance hundreds of extreme, unconstitutional and dangerous legislation – and we need Choice Matters supporters like you in the fight to push back.

Since Trump left office, more than 560 abortion restrictions have been introduced, including 165 bans. 

On July 23rd, the state of Mississippi formally asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Mississippi Attorney General, Lynn Fitch, argued that Roe v. Wade and its subsequent decisions are “egregiously wrong”, and that “the conclusion that abortion is a constitutional right has no basis in text, structure, history, or tradition.” (italics added)

In other words, according to Mississippi AG Fitch, the right to an abortion is not protected by the Constitution and respective decisions protecting abortion rights should all be overturned – AND that states must have the right to ban abortion outright.

This is Mississippi’s opening salvo. The US Supreme Court has announced it will hear a case about Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban this fall.

This will be the Court’s first abortion case with its new 6-3 extremist majority. The announcement explicitly said that the Court will use this case to reconsider whether laws that ban abortion are unconstitutional.


Mississippi Is Trying To Get The Supreme Court To Reverse Roe, NPR, 7/23/2021
Mississippi asks the Supreme Court to overrule Roe v. Wade , NYT, 7/22/2021


Suing total strangers involved in an abortion

Texas has passed the most extreme abortion ban since Roe.

Since Trump left office – that’s just 6 months ago – 561 abortion restrictions have been introduced across 47 states (as of 6/7/21). 83 of those restrictions have been enacted across 16 states, including 10 bans. These anti-woman zealots are getting more cunning and venomous every day. WE. MUST. ACT. NOW.

Texas is leading the charge “deputizing ordinary citizens to sue anyone involved in the [abortion] process.” NYT, 7/9/2021

This is NOT the time to “duck and cover”. This is a time to rise up.

Texas Governor Greg Abott signed into law a bill that prohibits abortions after a heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks – before many people even know they are pregnant – without even an exception for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest.

This Texas bill is truly evil and Machiavellian. It empowers anybody to sue every single person – from the uber driver to the clinic escort to the doctor to the babysitter watching the patient’s other children – involved in a woman’s medical choices. And if they win the lawsuit, they can be awarded $10,000!

The Texas Ban
Yes, it’s unconstitutional!
Yes, it violates HIPAA and the right to privacy
– And YES, it violates Roe.
A 6-week-abortion ban = an outright ban on abortions.
(6 weeks = 2 weeks after a missed menstrual cycle.)
Almost ANY private resident is empowered to SUE ANYONE involved in an abortion occurring after 6 weeks according to their personal calculations!

Why we say equity matters

EQ·UI·TY  /ˈekwədē/
freedom from bias or favoritism;
something that is equitable
EQ-UI-TA-BLE  \ ˈe-kwə-tə-bəl 
dealing fairly and equally with all concerned

We at Choice Matters FIGHT for Reproductive EQUITY.

The changes we need will only come through legislation.
We MUST repeal the Hyde Amendment &
pass Equity Access legislation in Albany.

What good is abortion care if not ALL women can access it?
If a woman doesn’t have the money to pay because it is too damn expensive?
If a woman has to travel miles upon miles, hour after hour, to get an abortion or birth control?
If she is of color, an ethnic minority, and/or low income, and good healthcare is out of reach?

Access to abortion must be a reality for ALL women in ALL of New York’s many counties, regardless of race, ethnicity, geographic location or ability to pay.

What good is comprehensive sex ed if it is not available in ALL schools?
If the only mandated NYS requirement is to teach about HIV?
If myths continue to be perpetuated, like HIV comes from sweat?
If fear continues to dominate & NYS, like Oklahoma, remains one of states that has no mandated sex ed requirement?

Please watch this video. It says it better than we ever could.
Click the Picture or Click HereJoin Us.

Marching Orders from Fair Fight!

Dear Friends and Allies,

I am forwarding to you directions and information from our Fair Fight allies in Georgia. The run-off election is just over 3 weeks away. There is not time to lose!

Remember: The holidays come every year, but a run-off election like this comes once in a lifetime!

Hello friends,

Thank you all for your support and work for Georgia families! We are now just 24 days from Election Day (January 5th, 2021) and early voting starts next week, on the 14th. There’s a lot of work to be done and we hope that you will join us or one of our partners in this work.

You can sign up to phonebank or textbank with Fair Fight here:

Sign up to volunteer with the Democratic Party of Georgia’s voter protection team.

Volunteer Directly with the Ossoff and Warnock Campaigns:

Interested in helping to turn out Latinos in Georgia? Volunteer with Mijente:

Sign up to do in person volunteering in Georgia with America Votes

**Because of an increase in doxxing and threats of violence surrounding this election we strongly advise that IN ALL of your voter contact scripts you make sure to identify yourself and your organization at the start of every call/text/postcard, before asking for or providing any other information.**

There is a lot of disinformation going around right now and it’s important not to spread it. Please read our statement on disinformation

Other ways to be involved: 
Contribute to Fair Fight and the Ossoff and Warnock Senate campaigns all at once. 

Other Ways to Invest in Georgia

“Now we have a historic two-Democrat runoff for the US Senate. One candidate is Black—a candidate Georgia’s election runoffs were invented to disqualify, Ebenezer Baptist Church’s Rev. Raphael Warnock—and the other, investigative journalist Ossoff, is white and Jewish. It’s the combination the late Dr. King and Representative John Lewis saw as creating the beloved community in Georgia, a combination Warnock called “marvelous” the other day.” by Joan Walsh, The Nation, 11/20/2020 

CM’s Catherine Lederer-Plaskett Named One of Westchester Power 100

“Catherine Lederer-Plaskett’s political action committee advocates for abortion rights, an issue that has come to the fore now that conservatives make up a 6-3 majority on the U.S. Supreme Court. Locally, however, Lederer-Plaskett played a role in two recent political victories – keeping former Independent Democratic Conference member David Carlucci out of Congress, and getting Suzanne Berger elected leader of the county’s Democratic Party.

GEORGIA – Let’s take it to the next level!

Dear Friends and Allies,

After a slow exhale, take your right hand and put it over your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back. Each and every one of us has worked so hard to get here. President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris – How terrific is that!!!

Savor the moment.

Because the next fight has already begun.

The run-off elections, in Georgia on January 5th, will include electing TWO (not one!) US Senators who will determine the fate of the Senate and the path that the Biden/Harris first two years will take.

We must win BOTH Senate seats to secure the Senate majority in order to have any chance at a successful progressive agenda.

Let’s Focus:
>The US Senate Run-Off Election Day is January 5th!
>Early Voting begins December 14th.
>Voters can register until December 7.
(Link to register – click here.) 

Maybe you know Georgia residents who aren’t registered, or friends or relatives who just moved. Send them the link or print up a registration form and mail it to them, along with an envelope addressed to the Secretary of State, State of Georgia, PO Box 105325, Atlanta, Georgia 30348-9562. (Click here for the application and return envelope with return address.)

Voters must APPLY for absentee ballots or vote in person.
>Georgia residents can start requesting their absentee/mail-in ballot today if they don’t want to vote in person at the polls.
>Georgia residents can make sure their registered to vote by clicking here,
>They can fill out an absentee/mail-in ballot request by clicking here.

Beginning November 18, 2020: Absentee ballots will begin to be mailed out to those who requested one.

Here are several Phone Banking and Texting Opportunities:
>Phone Bank for Georgia Runoff Race for U.S. Senate! Hosted by Flip the West.

>Georgia Runoff Strike Team Hosted by the Georgia Democrats

>Immigrants for Biden Hosted by the Georgia Democrats

>Postcards to Georgia Voters for U.S. Senate Runoff Race! Hosted by Flip the West

>Reclaim our Vote Campaign

Call 914-946-5363
or email:

Let’s Keep Moving Forward!