Choice Matters’ Clinic Access Bill Becomes LAW!

Choice Matters’ Clinic Access Bill Becomes Law!
Drafted. Passed. Done.
(12+ years in the making.)

In November, when the clinic in White Plains was attacked, we said, “enough is enough!” We drafted, re-drafted, and drafted again legislation, and demanded meetings. We worked until the bill was right. This new law (boy, that sounds so good!) protects the inside of clinics as well as those outside looking for safe access to medical facilities. And yes, we worked to protect first amendment rights; but now the right to safe access to healthcare isn’t compromised. It is protected too!

For more than 12 years, Choice Matters has been working to pass a clinic access bill here in Westchester – and last night we did it!  Monday night, the County passed and signed into law the safe Reproductive Health Care Facilities Access legislation we have fought so long for.

We have fought through multi-county legislative boards and county executives. We have lost ground to an anti-choice Republican county executive and to anti-choice Democratic legislators, but we kept on. (Remember: one foot in front of the other.)

Choice Matters never gave up. WE NEVER QUIT!

This means Westchester-ites as well as anyone coming to our county for healthcare will be greeted with a message: You Are Safe Here!

That’s a big “WOW!”

Yes, the US Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, and we have a lot of work to do.

But Choice Matters knows how to fight back and we proved it again last night.

Last night was a win – a step in the right direction. Enough? No! But a step in the right direction, and today every step forward is good. Together we can do this. The important thing to remember is, “Don’t give up!” BELIEVE!”

We are RISING UP, with one step in from of the other. We can meet this ONCE-IN-A-GENERATION moment, and we can make lasting change. Please, we’ve never needed your support more than today.

Support Choice Matters and our one-foot-in-front-of-the-other campaign.  The work is hard and the road is long – but we can get there from here.