Why we say equity matters

EQ·UI·TY  /ˈekwədē/ freedom from bias or favoritism; something that is equitable EQ-UI-TA-BLE  \ ˈe-kwə-tə-bəl  dealing fairly and equally with all concerned EVERY YEAR. ALL YEAR LONG. DAY IN & DAY OUT. We at Choice Matters FIGHT for Reproductive EQUITY. The changes we need will only come through legislation. We MUST…

CM’s Catherine Lederer-Plaskett Named One of Westchester Power 100

The movers and shakers rocking New York City's northern suburbs.~~~~"Westchester is where it’s at." "City & State’s Westchester Power 100 reflects those political trends, while also putting a spotlight on the business executives, labor leaders, academics, activists, advocates and others who are shaping the future…

Medication Abortions Under Attack

By Charlotte Baron Why is Senator Ted Cruz making fact-less attacks on women’s healthcare, again? Cruz is currently under fire from pro-choice advocates after tweeting, “Pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness, and the abortion pill does not cure or prevent any disease.” GOP senators are…

Faith-Based Healthcare – NYC Field Hospital Run by Evangelical Christians

By Charlotte Baron With the overwhelming number of people affected by COVID-19, a field hospital set up and run by Samaritan’s Purse opened in Central Park on April 1st. Samaritan’s Purse is an Evangelical Christian fundamentalist group. They require all persons working in the facility…