No Judgeship for Jeff Klein!

Chairman Crespo and Members of the Bronx Democratic Party Executive Committee Bronx Democratic Committee 1640 Eastchester Road Bronx, NY 10461 Dear Chairman Crespo and Members of the Bronx Democratic Party Executive Committee: It has been brought to our attention that former Senator Jeff Klein is…

Help Get These 6 KEY Senators to Stop Kavanaugh

Alert: Below are THE 6 US Senators who will decide the future of the nominee for the US Supreme Court, and thus the future of Roe v. Wade, the course of health care, and the direction of the US Supreme Court’s decisions for decades to come. Getting these 6 to…

The Hypocrisy of the Anti-Choice Zealots’ Zero Tolerance Policy

By: Jane Forman, Guest Blogger Children are being torn from their families, put in cages, and left uncertain if and when they’ll see their parents again. This is the reality for over 2,000 immigrant children as a result of Trump’s zero-tolerance policy which began in…

The Practices of Anti-Choice Crisis Centers Aren’t Just Misleading, They’re Unconstitutional

The existence of anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers that disguise themselves as real clinics is already deeply unsettling. However, a recent Rewire article sheds light on something even more appalling: some of these centers in North Carolina are using federal money to buy programs that spread…

Choice vs Conscience [sic]: The Struggle for Contraception in Rural America

At a time when reproductive rights feel are constantly under attack, it is especially discouraging to find that access to reproductive health care— contraceptive care in particular— is being inhibited even in progressive states. A recent article from Rewire exposes the struggles that women in…

Double Barreled Shotgun Aimed at Our Rights

Donald and his Republican NRA-driven Congress can't get gun control done but they sure can come after our civil rights, which includes the right to control out own bodies. Today, Donald Trump issued two new rules which allow employers to deny women copay-free birth control.…