2009 ProChoice Voting Guide

Are you PRO-CHOICE in Westchester County, NY? Here is the WCLA-Choice Matters Voting Guide. It tells you who is pro-choice in local elections. This year we are voting for Supreme Court Justices, County Court Judge, County Executive, District Attorney, County Clerk, and Westchester County Legislators.…


A new Oklahoma law is set to go into effect Nov. 1 that would collect detailed data about each abortion performed -- and post it all on a public Web site. The posts will not include the name, address or "any information specifically identifying the…

Senate rejects new threat to abortion in health reform!

The Senate Finance Committee this morning rejected, by a 13 to 10 margin, a proposal by Senator Orrin Hatch, a Republican from Utah, that would have turned abortion coverage into an optional “rider” that women would have to buy separately when purchasing health insurance through…

Oppose Rockefeller’s Ban on Abortion in Public Plan!

Unfortunately, in an otherwise well-intended effort to get a public plan option back in health reform, West Virginia Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller filed an amendment (#C6) that includes a ban on coverage of abortions (except in cases of rape, incest or threat to the life…

Baucus Healthcare Bill Hurts Women and Families

Advocates for women's health care have been meeting with congressional representatives around the country to advocate for affordable comprehensive health care reform. We here at Choice Matters have arranged many of these meetings in New York. Despite our hard work, and the support of many…

Is being a woman a pre-existing condition?

Check out this post from Think Progress. In seven states plus the District of Columbia, “getting beaten up by your spouse is a pre-existing condition.” According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, only 14 states have a requirement for maternity care Many insurers consider a Caesarean-section…


Tell the New York Senate to Stop Playing Politics with Women’s Health- Tell Her/Him to Support the Reproductive Health Act, Senate Bill # S5808 Call Your Senator Today!!! To find your senator and her/his contact information CLICK HERE And Sign The Petition CLICK HERE What…