Noam Bramson vs. Rob Astorino – The Facts

The lines have been drawn for this November’s elections and everything is at stake. Every seat in Westchester County government is up for grabs -- including that of the County Executive. One can honestly say that November will determine the fate of  our County for years to come.…

Eden Foods Doesn’t Want to Pay for Employees’ BC

Special Thanks to Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Malinda, and Karin, the UltraViolet team! Sign the Petition at the Bottom! The Boycott is having an affect. "Soy milk. Organic beans. Gluten-free pasta. A radical agenda to ban birth control coverage for their employees. Eden Foods is one…

What Zumba can teach us about healthy choices & reproductive rights

How many times have you been part of the handwringing conversation lamenting the lack of involvement in the fight for reproductive rights by a particular group of people --  the “why don’t _____ care” conversation? (Fill in the blank with whomever you want: young people, college students,…

Calling All Women for Westchester

We are proud to announce the formation of Women for Westchester (a.k.a. Women 4  Westchester.) And we need you! Women for Westchester (W4W) is an alliance of our county’s residents committed to advancing legislative bills, social policy, and actions that enable women to participate more fully…

It’s not the snow-the ground is moving under your feet

Do You Feel the Ground Moving? That’s the safety net being ripped out from under your feet right here in Westchester County. The Bad News County Government at its Worst Westchester’s present County Executive, Rob Astorino, and his gang of nine are playing fast and…