Tag: special election

Alert White Plains: Special Election March 31st – Right to Life Candidate Targets Mayor’s Job!

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If you live in the
City of White Plains
you care about
Choice, Women, Children, and Families

Tom Roach is the good guy running for Mayor of White Plains in a Special Election being held on March 31, 2011. He is running on the Democratic, Working Families, and Independence party lines.

Former President of the City Council, and, now, acting Mayor of White Plains,Tom Roach is a 100% pro-choice advocate who will protect our women, children, and families.

Roach understands the importance of our clinics, childcare, health centers, and the importance of protecting access to our reproductive health care centers.

His opponent, Bob Hyland, has a history of being endorsed by the Right to Life party.
A high profile former football player and sports bar owner, Hyland has no experience in elected office. His claim to fame is that in 1988 he tried to register to vote as a member of both the Republican and Right to Life parties.

According to the anti-choice zealot website LifeNet, Hyland has a record of helping the [Right to Life] cause.

Astorino, His Puppets & Imitators, & Washington Extremism
What is going on in Washington DC, brought on by the anti-choice zealots empowered by the Republican win last November, can happen here in Westchester County and in its towns and cities like the County’s capital–White Plains.

Westchester’s Right to Life County Executive Rob Astorino is a rabid extremist, yanking funding away from working women and their children.  This is a man whose budget shows he only cares about those who vote for him. The rest of us–especially the working poor–are being thrown under the bus so that he can claim to meet budget promises. Trust me when I say we will all pay later in tax dollars for Astorino’s stunts.

Hyland is an Astorino impersonator who will do to White Plains what Astorino is hard at work trying to do to the County!

Tom Roach stands with Governor Cuomo
for Women’s Reproductive Rights!

The Message Here:


Special Elections have a very low turnout because few people realize the election is occurring.
Thus your vote will have a multi-fold impact!

Alert: Special Election – The Washington Agenda wants to come to Westchester!


If you live in the
Westchester County
12th Legislative District
we are begging you to come out and
vote for MaryJane Shimsky.

MaryJane is a 100% pro-choice advocate who will protect our women, children, and families. She understands the importance of our clinics, childcare, and health centers.

Her opponent, DeCicco, publicly stated that all minors should be required to have parental consent before being permitted to have an abortion. Can you imagine a 12-year-old girl, an incest victim, asking the father who raped her, “Can I please get an abortion so that I won’t have to give birth to your child?”(ECC forum, 2/7/11)

At the same forum, he said that 17-year-old females should not be able to get emergency contraception (which is a high dose of birth control that can stop a woman from becoming pregnant up to five days after unprotected sex) over the counter. We should applaud young women who want to take responsibility before they have an unwanted pregnancy, not punish them! DeCicco wants to see them pay the price of unintended pregnancies, and then force them into a circumstance in which they will likely choose abortion.

Astorino, His Puppets and Washington Extremism
What is going on in Washington DC, brought on by the anti-choice zealots empowered by the Republican win last November, can happen here in Westchester County.

Westchester’s Right to Life County Executive Rob Astorino is a rabid extremist, yanking funding away from working women and their children.  This is a man whose budget shows he only cares about those who vote for him. The rest of us–especially the working poor–are being thrown under the bus so that he can claim to meet budget promises. Trust me when I say, we will all pay later in tax dollars for Astorino’s stunts.
Importantly, our County legislators decide many reproductive rights issues including prisoners’ rights, Medicaid expenditures, and more. The cost to your tax dollars will be huge if legislators do not understand these obligations, and only try to grab headlines, like Astorino likes to do, with penny-wise pound-foolish cuts.

DeCicco is a puppet–a mini-me–for Astorino. Even a DeCicco supporter, The Westchester Rising, calls him Astorino’s “partner.”

The Message Here:


Special Elections have a very low turnout because few people realize the election is occurring.
Thus your vote will have a multi-fold impact!


Celebrate the Meaning of Roe: Vote-Special Election Feb. 15 – Elect MaryJane Shimsky!

Roe v. Wade is under attack across the United States. Women are losing their/our constitutional right to privacy and to control our own bodies.
Empowered by the 2010 elections, states are working to pass damaging legislation. (Click here to read more.)
Vote in the Special Election
Tuesday February 15th

You Vote – You Choose
MaryJane Shimsky—a pro-choice, progressive, budget and tax-minded candidate, running on the Working Families and Democratic lines, who has fought for the residents of Hastings-on-Hudson and the Town of Greenburgh on such projects as Ridge Hill and Stew Leonards, and worked as the Director of Community Relations for Assemblyman Richard Brodsky;
Astorino’s next mini-me—anti-choice Nicholas DeCicco who refused to complete Choice Matters’ questionnaire. DeCicco, like Marcotte, will walk the Right-to-Life Astorino anti-choice anti-child anti-family walk, voting as he is told.
Say “NO” to Another Astorino Puppet
In November 2009, Westchester elected a Right-to-Life (RTL) County Executive, Rob Astorinio. We have been paying the price ever since.
Astorino may want to protect the so-called unborn, but he sure has made his position about the born clear: Astorino says, Throw them under the bus to every child and family in need. Astorino’s budget is the antithesis of family. He focuses on cutting all services that support working mothers, early childhood programs and corresponding housing support.
On his coattails, Sheila Marcotte won in the 10th County Legislative District and is doing exactly as her commander has directed–voting in lockstep with him against child care scholarships, low income daycare and funding for community healthcare programs, among others–voting against a safety net and costing taxpayers millions.
Astorino’s other puppets have done the same. Believe me when I say, we do not need and cannot afford another Astorino mini-me.
Worry About Funding!
Astorino’s Right to Life beliefs have already corrupted the budget process. Laws are not the only things at stake. Budgets decide who matters.

Remember it was Astorino who took a sledge hammer to child care funding, pulverizing it by taking away 4.3 million dollars—this after the most recent census data reported that 16.7 percent of Westchester children under 5 years of age are living in poverty, which is up from 9.6 percent in 2005—and added new positions for his political cronies. When those positions were cut by the County Legislators, Astorino hired his cronies anyway using empty lines on the budget!

Choice Matters
MaryJane Shimsky
Westchester County Board of Legislators