Tag: Wagstaff


New York’s 2024 Primary Day is now in the rearview mirror.

The big news of the night:  ProChoice Voter-endorsed George Latimer won the Democratic Primary, defeating the incumbent, in CD 16 which encompasses part of the north Bronx and the 12 cities, towns and villages in southern Westchester.

Although there is a Republican anti-choice opponent running in the November General Election, this is a solidly Blue seat. Winning now in the Primary pretty much guarantees Latimer will be heading to Washington DC as CD 16’s congressional representative, starting in 2025.

Latimer has already reached out, wanting to stay out in front on all reproductive health-related bills that are before Congress. We look forward to working with him!
It was a different story in the Working Families Party (WFP) Primary in CD 17 which encompasses northern Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and part of Dutchess, and in New York SD 38 in Rockland County. This is not good when looking toward the November election.

Pro-choice Democratic candidate Mondaire Jones lost the WFP line to an anti-choice stooge WFP candidate. His anti-choice extremist opponent is on the Conservative and Republican lines.

Democratic candidate and ally Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, who is running to reclaim his NYS Senate seat, also lost to a WFP stooge candidate.

The Republican party has been working to take over the WFP line all over the state. Their strategy is to get conservative allies to enroll in the WFP to create a voting block, and then to run a stooge candidate. If they are successful and their candidate wins, they believe they can mislead voters in November into thinking the name on that line is a progressive, stealing votes away from the Democrat. Is this illegal? Yes, as seen in 2014/2015 when the Independence Party named Rob Astorino et al. for “raiding” its line.
In the Westchester County District Attorney race, Susan Cacace defeated William Wagstaff III. 
Both Cacace and Wagstaff were rated 100% Pro-Choice. No endorsement was made here.

Despite having dropped out of the race, anti-choice Adeel Mirza’s name still appeared on the ballot. He picked up 7,153 votes (9%).
———————————————————————————-In the rematch for the New York State Assembly District #92 seat, MaryJane Shimsky defeated Tom Abinanti.

Both Abinanti and Shimsky were rated 100% Pro-Choice. No endorsement was made here.

This, like CD 16, is a Blue seat. Winning in the Primary means Shimsky is heading back to Albany.
———————————————————————————-The Major Take-Away

If Mondaire is to win in November, AND we are to take back Congress, YOU NEED TO GET INVOLVED!


We need to stop them and to do so, we need YOUR help to elect a Pro-Choice Trifecta! We must take back the House and hold the Senate and White House.