Tag: rape

Yale Redefines Rape!

You can’t make this stuff up!

Yale University has officially redefined rape, which must be making some of last year’s extremist candidates happy. At Yale it will be considered nonconsensual sex and worthy of only a written reprimand.

If you are a Yale alum, tell them this won’t fly. Everyone should withhold contributions until this is changed.

Read Jezebel’s Yale Officially Declares ‘Nonconsensual Sex’ Not That Big of a Deal


“You Deserve Rape”

“You Deserve Rape,” was the text of a poster held by an open air preacher. This was his response to April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Sounds much like Todd Akin on the subject of rape. Below is the text of the article from the BuzzFeed


No, Seriously, This Guy Is Holding A “You Deserve Rape” Sign

UPDATE: The “open air preacher” holding the sign has responded to online criticism. In case that wasn’t enough, sign creator “Brother Dean Samuel’s” Twitter feed confirms his somewhat misogynistic ideology. (via the Arizona Daily Wildcat)

A University of Arizona student sparked outrage Tuesday by holding up a sign reading, “You Deserve Rape” and preaching that women who dress like “whores” bring rape upon themselves in protest to a sexual assault awareness event being held that night.

Dean Saxton, a junior who regularly preaches on the University of Arizona campus under the name “Brother Dean Samuel,” told the Arizona Daily Wildcat that “his sermon was meant to convey that ‘if you dress like a whore, act like a whore, you’re probably going to get raped.'” Saxton decided to make the sign and deliver his sermon on Tuesday in opposition to a “Take Back the Night” event planned for Tuesday night and because April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

“I think that girls that dress and act like it,” Saxton told the Daily Wildcat, “they should realize that they do have partial responsibility, because I believe that they’re pretty much asking for it.”

Despite widespread anger from students and faculty, the university’s administration did not remove Saxton or his sign. In response to a request for comment, Kendal Washington White, interim dean of students, said, “We find [Saxton’s actions] to be vulgar and vile. However, it is protected speech. He has yet to, at this point, violate the student code of conduct.”


Tell Dan Donovan: Stop Blaming Religion

Candidate for Attorney General Dan Donovan claims being Catholic made him anti-choice.

Fact: Many of the most ardent advocates for reproductive rights are Catholics.

Hasn’t he heard of Catholics for Choice? Or Frances Kissling and Jon O’Brien? (From the mouth of a pro-choice Catholic, click here.)

Fact: Donovan wrote on Choice Matters’ candidate questionnaire, “I believe life begins at conception.”

Fact: According to the New York Times, Donovan is “against abortion except in cases of rape or incest.”

Fact: Donovan claims he’ll represent New Yorkers and follow the law, but he kept his alliance with “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs) a secret. CPCs are anti-choice facilities that pretend to provide comprehensive reproductive-health clinics but in reality deceive women and spread misinformation about abortion and birth control.

The CPC of New York on Staten Island liked him so much they gave him an award in 2003. Why? Because Donovan got the CPC grants while he was working in the office of the Staten Island borough president, including when he was the deputy borough president. Imagine what he might do for them as Attorney General.

Women cannot trust Donovan!
Fact: A good attorney general can advance our reproductive rights. A bad one can take them away.

Across the nation, anti-choice attorneys general have abused their position targeting women’s reproductive rights: in Kansas harassing the late Dr. Tiller; in Virginia, working to close 20 safe clinics; and in Michigan trying to outlaw abortion.

Take a moment and watch: Dan Donovan: It Could Happen Here

Choice Matters is proud to endorse Eric Schneiderman for Attorney General. From the frontlines at clinics to the courtrooms to the State Senate, Eric has proven his commitment to a woman’s right to choose.

“… I am a prochoice Catholic because my Catholic faith tells me I can be. The Catechism reads, “[Conscience] is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.” Even St. Thomas Aquinas said it would be better to be excommunicated than to neglect your individual conscience. So really, I am just following his lead. After years of research, discernment and prayer, my conscience has been well informed. Being a prochoice Catholic does not contradict my faith; rather, in following my well-informed conscience, I am adhering to the central tenet of Catholic teaching — the primacy of conscience.”

Excerpt from I am a Prochoice Catholic by Kate Childs Graham, writes for ReligionDispatches.org and YoungAdultCatholics-Blog.com. She also serves on the Women’s Ordination Conference board of directors and the Call to Action Next Generation Leadership Team.