Obama Overturns Global Gag rule!

President Barack Obama today signed an executive order lifting a ban on U.S. funding for international family planning groups that perform abortions or provide counseling about the procedure. The order rescinds the Mexico City Policy, also known as the "gag rule," which President Ronald Reagan…

President Obama

Today is the 36th anniversary of Roe v Wade and as participants in Blog for Choice Day we would like to let President Obama know our most pressing concerns: #1 is the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act which writes a woman’s right to…

Goodbye George

Barack Obama is now president of the United States. We are looking forward to seeing what the Obama administration will do towards supporting women and choice in the coming years. It was a pleasure to see George W. Bush get on the helicopter and head…

Election is a victory for choice

Barack Obama's victory in yesterday's presidential election was also a victory for choice. In addition, Colorado voters soundly defeated an anti-choice measure that defines life as beginning at conception. In South Dakota, an abortion ban was defeated that would have limited abortion to cases of…

“Women’s Health”

Last night, Samantha Bee from the Daily Show, lambasted Sen. McCain's sarcastic use of air quotes when using the term women's health. Watch the video here, the part where he speaks about abortion starts 3:00 into the clip. TIP: You can move the slider to…

Newsletter and Voting Guide

Here is the 2008 Voting Guide. This holds all the answers about the candidates-who is pro-choice and who’s not! Don’t be fooled. Read about McCain’s and Palin’s records and much more. Click here to download an Adobe PDF copy of our 2008 Voting Guide. Share…

PBS Poll

PBS is doing a poll to see if people think Palin is qualified to be VP and her supporters are doing a big push to get people to vote yes- and it's working. Please go to this website and vote NO - it only takes…