From: Catherine Lederer-Plaskett []
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 5:33 PM
To: ‘’
Subject: Clinic access legislation
 Hi Bob.
I have attached the clinic access bill. We have asked electeds to submit statements in support to be read at the Public Hearing. It only seems right that as you are running for Senate and we rated you as pro-choice that we reach out. (I explained all this to Matt in your office.)
The bill is modeled after the NYC law and has been reviewed by NYCLU to make sure that fully protects First Amendment rights.
The difference between the NYC law and our is based on the difference between an urban environment and a suburban one, where we live more in our cars.
The public hearing is 4/30 and the vote is 5/7.
It would be great to have a statement from you in support of the bill to read at the Public Hearing
Thanks so much. Call with any questions. Have a good weekend!
Catherine Lederer-Plaskett
WCLA – Choice Matters