The Sequence of Events **Tuesday, May 10th, George Oros, who is County Executive (CE) Rob Astorino’s Chief of Staff, and the CE’s Liaison to the Board of Legislators (BOL) and a former County Legislator himself, watched a live in-house broadcast of a BOL Committee on…
This week, ALL House Republicans, with the help of 16 Democrats, voted successfully to pass the greatest assault on women’s health to date—H.R. 3, the "Stupak on Steriods" bill . It is a horrific expansion of government insertion in women’s health though mandates and tax…
On Friday, Tea Party favorite Republican Rep. of Wisconsin Paul D. Ryan's budget was passed by a vote of 235 to 193. All Democrats and seven Republicans voted against it. This budget attacks Medicare programs that serve those 65 and older, Medicaid health programs for…
And They Say it Soooo Well! GILLIBRAND, SENATE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN CALL ON REPUBLICANS TO END CONTINUED ASSAULT ON WOMEN’S HEALTH Washington, DC—Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, together with Senate Democratic women, urged their Republican colleagues to vote against the upcoming resolutions that would eliminate funding for Planned…
To avoid a government shutdown, our Congressional representatives agreed to deprive Washington DC women of city monies to fund abortion. Had it not been for the DC mayor and certain city council reps, this atrocity would never have come to light. When all reproductive rights'…
"Anti-Abortion Sting Video Fools Washington Post, No One Else" (from "The conservative “gotcha†video* whose claims fall apart upon close inspection is fast becoming a well-established trope. So perhaps it’s a sign of learning that the latest entry in the genre, which “exposes†the…
Rep Nan Hayworth's Conflict of Interest If you believe earmarks are bad because they use tax payer dollars to indirectly feed a Congressional representative’s campaign coffers and to generate votes, then you must believe congressional votes cast to directly fuel a congresswoman’s own personal bank…
Stop The Insanity! This Extremist Anti-Choice Congress Wants the IRS to Audit Abortions. Anti-Choice Extremists, led by Republican House Rep. Pitts, want to pass H.R. 3--the Stupak Amendment on Steroids--so the IRS can audit abortions. They don't care about jobs. They Only Want to Continue…
ALERT! SPECIAL ELECTION THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST ! If you live in the City of White Plains and you care about Choice, Women, Children, and Families YOU NEED TO KNOW Tom Roach is the good guy running for Mayor of White Plains in a Special Election…
Students at the University of Vermont Show They are Willing to Fight for What is Important--Women's Health! On February 25, 2011, Senator Lederer-Plaskett and Speaker of the Senate Chevrier sponsored a resolution in opposition to the Pence Amendment. They used the attached PowerPoint presentation to help…