Sometimes, it feels like anti-choice extremists are everywhere and their sole purpose is to demonize abortion, and the women who have them.  They’re publishing books, pushing states to permit anti-choice license plates so that they can take the fees paid to benefit phony pregnancy crisis centers, and even building towns and developing colleges dedicated to eradicating the right to choose.
We have decided to fight back. Choice Matters is launching Pro-Choice Resources Online which will serve everyone looking to advocate for women’s rights.
Pro-Choice Resources Online will be divided into two parts:
1. The Collective which is where we are assembling as broad a range as possible of pro-choice and progressive movies, websites, books, blogs, music, t-shirts, bumper stickers and more. Anything an advocate could want!
We are currently accepting suggestions of publications, movies, music–anything you think we should include. If you have one, please email it to us at
2. Our Archives which is composed of Choice Matters’ unique collection of articles, magazines, newspaper clippings and more, dating back to the early 1970’s. This collection exists nowhere else and is a phenomenal resources for the pro-choice community. We believe it will serve as an invaluable resource for those individuals, women’s studies programs, and even the media, who are seeking accurate historical information on abortion rights.
Join our mailing list to receive an e-mail message letting you know that Pro-Choice Resources Online site has launched!