Category: Updates

Maybe Not Having a 60 Vote Super-Majority is NOT a Bad Thing!

The only aspect of the Massachusetts election about which everyone agrees is that the Democrats no longer have a 60 vote super-majority in the Senate.

But maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Not much was getting done because the extreme right wing of the Democratic Party was holding the rest of its Senators, and thus the country, hostage. Just look at how effectively Nelson and Lieberman used the threat of withholding their votes to decimate health care reform. That’s exactly why the Senate bill includes the Nelson Amendment—and they were just getting started.

In an interview with, Nelson announced he would have held the health care bill hostage once again when another 60 vote threshold was required, demanding that to get his vote, the Senate would to have incorporate an even harsher, anti-choice, anti-abortion rights amendment which he refers to as Nelson/Hatch/Casey.

The Massachusetts Election Put in Prospective

Much has been said about the Massachusetts election over the past two weeks—what it meant; what it did not mean; and who was at fault.

Here’s a little insight: Perhaps more than anything else it was a matter of bringing Coal to Newcastle.*

Why would anyone go to Massachusetts and try to sell health care reform as the reason to elect a candidate?? Massachusetts is one of the few places in this country that actually has a mandated health care plan. Its residents know up-close and personal the pros and cons of mandated care. Why would a Massachusetts voter think it was a great thing to use his or her tax dollars to pay for health care reform in Nebraska? Massachusetts is already paying for Massachusetts!

Yes, Scott Brown ran a good campaign, but it wasn’t perfect! The Democratic machine simply failed to do its homework. Had they talked about the tax savings for the nation at-large if the uninsured no longer had to use emergency rooms for medical care, perhaps the unemployed, under-employed, and the simply-making-it-by would have stopped and listened. The Democrats failed to listen to the issues particular to the people of Massachusetts.

There are national issues, local issues and universal ones. The Democrats tried to make national concerns local ones without defining the universal elements and truths.

*For those who are unfamiliar with this reference: Newcastle Coal

The Stupak and Nelson Amendments – Know the Facts

The Stupak amendment (aka the Stupak – Pitts amendment) is the anti-abortion amendment included in the House of Representatives Health Care bill. The Nelson amendment is the anti-abortion amendment included in the Senate bill.

The Nelson Amendment IS the Stupak Amendment with Window Dressing!
The Stupak amendment and the Nelson amendment are one and the same. The only difference is that the Stupak amendment bans abortion coverage outright while the Nelson amendment does it by placing such onerous obstacles in the path of insurance companies that they cannot afford to provide coverage.

The Stupak amendment bans any abortion coverage completely from the insurance exchanges that would be established by health reform to provide affordable health coverage. This includes both the private plans in the exchange and the so-called “public option,” which would be the government-run alternative to costly private insurance plans. Even women buying insurance with their own private money will not be able to get a plan that covers abortion. Instead, they will have to buy a separate abortion “rider” to the plan at an extra cost.

This dangerous amendment undermines the ability of millions of women to purchase private health insurance that covers abortion, even if women pay for all or most of the premiums with their own money. This amendment reaches much further than the Hyde Amendment, which has prohibited public funding of abortion in most instances since 1977.

Under The Nelson amendment:
Any state can prohibit insurance companies from providing abortion coverage in the insurance exchanges they will be setting up. That would affect private plans offered through the exchange, and it would affect all women getting insurance through the exchange whether they receive subsidies or not.
Any person enrolled in an insurance plan that covers abortion must write two separate checks for payments – one to pay for the cost of the abortion services in the plan and another for the rest of the services. It’s not called a rider, but it acts like one! It will create some of the same barriers that making abortion coverage available through riders would have.
Also forget about privacy! Any person working in a bank or insurance company will easily know who has opted for abortion coverage, and let’s hope that that person is not an anti-choice extremist. Remember how they have posted pictures of people entering abortion clinics on the web. Here’s a new way to intimidate.
Then comes the challenge for the insurance companies:
Insurance plans have to estimate the cost of abortion coverage and segregate the funds received to pay for that coverage. The estimate must not be less than $1 per enrollee, per month. State insurance commissioners must ensure that plans are complying with the requirement to segregate funds.

Plans that cover abortion must provide consumers with notice of that coverage as part of the summary of benefits and coverage explanation, at the time of enrollment.

Health plans cannot discriminate against providers or facilities because they’re unwilling to provide abortion. (This appears to protect anti-choicers but not pro-choice providers—another double standard!)

Analysis of the Nelson amendment by Prof. Sara Rosenbaum, George Washington University School of Public Health & Health Services:
The Nelson abortion provision “extends beyond the Hyde amendment” and “can be expected to have a significant impact on the ability or willingness of insurance issuers to offer Exchange products that cover a full range of medically indicated abortions.” In addition, the analysis states that the amendment could have “spillover effects” into the health care marketplace beyond the Exchange.

“For several reasons this provision could be expected to chill issuers’ willingness to sell products that cover a range of medically indicated abortions. They would have to comply with complex audit standards and more importantly, they would have to collect an additional fee from each member of their plan, a step that could be expected to encounter broad resistance. (It is also not clear what the consequences would be for plan members who do not make the payment or whether non-payment would place them in arrears). The more logical response would be not to sell products that cover abortion services.”

Both amendments turn the clock back on women. They are anti-choice, anti-woman, and anti-health care reform!

Harold Ford, Jr. is Anti-Choice and Bad for New York!

Former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. is considering a primary challenge of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

In 2006, when running for Senate, Ford unequivocally stated that he was anti-choice.

Please click on the video below and listen to Ford in his own words.

Now, Ford wants you to believe differently.

He knows that New York voters are pro-choice voters so he has decided to rewrite the past.

In an interview with the New York Post (1/13/10), Ford said, “I am pro-choice — have always been since I entered politics almost 15 years ago.”

Children have an appropriate chant, “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

Here’s a little more:

Only Bad News for Proponents of Choice

Yesterday, secure in the knowledge that he would have the necessary 60 votes to avoid a filibuster, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced his “manager’s amendment” to the Senate Health Reform bill, which included a huge betrayal of women.

Senator Reid, who himself opposes abortion rights, allowed anti-choice zealot Democratic Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska to dictate a new provision that severely restricts a woman’s right to exercise her federally recognized right to abortion.

Senator Nelson also got an extra $45 million to fund Medicaid expansion in his home state. This extra is only for Nebraska.

The inclusion of this anti-choice amendment comes less than two weeks after you helped us defeat the Nelson-Hatch Amendment that mirrored the devastating Stupak-Pitts provision included in the House bill.

This new Nelson amendment is nothing less than a nightmare for women.

It includes an agreement to allow states to decide whether or not to offer abortion coverage in the state insurance exchanges that would be created by the legislation.

That provision would likely mean that in many conservative states, there would be no abortion coverage in the commercial insurance plans that would be sold to consumers through these state exchanges. (Please see below for more details on this amendment.)

We, the pro-choice community,
stand together in the belief that women should not lose ground in the new health-care system. That is not health care reform.

As NOW president Terry O’Neil said
, “Right-wing ideologues like Nelson and the Catholic Bishops may not understand this, but abortion is health care, and health care reform is not true reform if it denies women coverage for the full range of reproductive health services.”

Although the Senate bill includes
other provisions that stand to improve women’s access to reproductive-health services, the language of the Nelson amendment regarding abortion coverage comes at too great a price for reproductive health.

What Next
Remember this is not the end. The Senate will reconvene at 1 a.m. Monday for a procedural vote, with the final vote scheduled for Christmas Eve.

Then the Senate bill must be reconciled with the House bill.

What We Can Do
First, keep up the pressure on the Senate!
Get on the phone and call your Senators TODAY at 1-877-264-4226 OR 1-202-224-3121.

For Senator Schumer:
Telephone: 202-228-3027
Fax: 202-224-0420

For Senator Gillibrand:
Telephone: 202-224-4451
Fax: 202-228-0282

If you don’t know who or where to call or email? Visit

Let Your Senators Know:

1. You Vote and You Oppose the New Nelson Amendment;
2. The Senate bill already contained the abortion restrictions of current law, and the New Nelson amendment must go.

Next, Contact Your House Representatives!
Get on the phone and call your Representatives TODAY. They are back in their districts. You can also click here to find their contact information.

Let Them Know:

1. You Vote and You Oppose the New Nelson Amendment and the Stupak-Pitts Amendment;
2. The Capps Amendment already contained the abortion restrictions of current law, and the New Nelson amendment and Stupak-Pitts Amendments must go.

While you have their attention, ask your Senators and Representatives:
1. When did it become the right of individual states to pick and choose which federally recognized civil rights they will enforce and which ones they will ignore or obstruct?
2. What would they do if a state refused to enforce anti-Jim Crow legislation or desegregation laws?
3. States that only provide exchanges that do not include abortion are doing just that. They are picking and choosing!

Your House members are now home in their districts, and your Senators will be soon, as well. The holiday season is a good opportunity to drop by their district offices or call them. Demand that they stand strong against the new Nelson Amendment and the Stupak-Pitts amendment.

Details about the New Nelson Amendment

(from Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need)

“Legislative experts are still evaluating what the new language on abortion will mean in practice, but here are some bullets on what we think we know so far:
* States can choose to prohibit abortion coverage in the insurance exchanges they will be setting up. That would affect private plans offered through the exchange, and it would affect all women getting insurance through the exchange whether they receive subsidies or not.
* Federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortion services except as allowed by the appropriation for the Department of Health & Human Services. This is confirms that as long as the Hyde amendment restrictions — prohibiting use of federal funds to pay for abortion except in cases of rape, incest or threat of life to the mother — are in place, federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortion services in this health insurance plan either.
* Any person who enrolls in an insurance plan that covers abortion will have to make two separate payments – one to pay for the cost of the abortion services in the plan and another for the rest of the services. It’s not a rider, but it’s likely to create some of the same barriers that making abortion coverage available through riders would have. For example, people may be less likely to choose the plan that covers abortion, just as they would have gone without the abortion rider, because the separate payments will highlight their decision to buy abortion coverage, something they might like to keep private, and because they don’t anticipate needing the coverage.
* Insurance plans have to estimate the cost of abortion coverage and segregate the funds received to pay for that coverage. The estimate must not be less than $1 per enrollee, per month. State insurance commissioners must ensure that plans are complying with the requirement to segregate funds.
* Plans that cover abortion must provide consumers with notice of that coverage as part of the summary of benefits and coverage explanation, at the time of enrollment.
* When information is provided about plans in advertising or by the exchanges or by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, it will report the payments in a combined way, rather than dividing cost of the abortion coverage from that of other services.
* Health plans cannot discriminate against providers or facilities because they’re unwilling to provide abortion.
* No state laws are pre-empted by abortion provisions of the bill, and no federal laws on abortion will be affected either.”

This Health Care Reform Process is a clear example of the importance of the election of only 100% pro-choice candidates to office.

In Congress and the New York State Senate anti-choice lawmakers still outnumber pro-choice leaders.

Choice Matters needs your help to change this.

We have made progress over the years, but in local elections we saw success by anti-choice forces with the election of a Right-to-Life County Executive and an anti-choice County Vice-Chair.

Support Choice Matters through contributions and volunteering. The battle over the 2010 elections has already begun!

Thank you for standing by your pro-choice convictions and supporting women’s access to abortion.

ALERT – Take Action

As you read this, Senate majority leaders are working to gain the support of the 60 senators needed to pass a health reform bill. Everything is on the table-especially abortion and any form of the public option.

Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who proposed the Senate version of the Stupak-Pitts amendment, says he will not vote for the final bill without additional restrictions on abortion coverage.

Yesterday, President Obama met with anti-choice Senator Robert Casey (D-Pa.) to discuss options for the handling of abortion coverage.

(Remember the Stupak-Pitts Abortion Ban Amendment came in the 11th hour, in the middle-of-the-night negotiations!)

Another problem facing the Senate Leadership is Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn) who has stated that he will not support a public option or a Medicare buy-in. He has threatened to vote to sustain a filibuster if the buy-in option is included.

The “buy-in” is a provision, negotiated last week as an alternative to the public option, that would allow people ages 55 to 64 to buy into Medicare.

However this problem may have been resolved. Senate Democrats met Monday night and appear to have decided to omit both the public option and the Medicare buy-in to appease Senator Lieberman.

Even if the bill passes in the Senate, it is unclear how they expect to sell a no-form-of-public option health care bill to House Democrats who have demonstrated their commitment to the public option.
In an effort to unite the Senate majority around health care reform, President Obama invited all Senate Democrats to the White House this afternoon.


Call your Senators and Tell Them:
1. Not to compromise any further on abortion restrictions in order get the vote of anti-choice Senator Ben Nelson. The Nelson-Hatch amendment which mirrored the Stupak-Pitts amendment has already been defeated, and an abortion compromise should be off the table!

2. Oppose a provision in the Senate bill that allows insurers to set “reasonable” limits on the amount of treatment they will cover in one year. Barring insurers from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions or charging them more won’t do any good if the insurers can limit the amount of treatment they will cover annually. The very people that suffer now from being denied coverage will be the ones to suffer if insurers are allowed to set annual limits.

3. Keep a public option in the health reform bill to provide real competition for health insurers.

New York’s Senators are Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand.
For Senator Schumer:
Telephone: 202-228-3027
Fax: 202-224-0420
For Senator Gillibrand:
Telephone: 202-224-4451
Fax: 202:228-0282

If these are not your senators, you can reach your senators through the Capitol switchboard — 202-224-3141

Finally, Good News To Report!

By a vote of 54-45, the Senate rejected the Stupak-like amendment co-sponsored by Senators Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

Their amendment closely mirrored the language of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment included in the House bill which bans abortion coverage from any health care reform-even in insurance coverage that now provides it.

You Made This Happen! This success is due to each and every one of us who spoke out. Our Senators heard us loudly and clearly.

Please take the time to thank Senators Schumer and Gillibrand for voting for the motion to table this amendment.

For Senator Schumer
Telephone: 202-228-3027
Fax: 202-224-0420

For Senator Gillibrand:
Telephone: 202-224-4451
Fax: 202:228-0282

Please remember to thank Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for opposing the amendment and speaking against it.

For Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:
Telephone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327

Regardless of where you live, let your Senators know that you are glad the abortion coverage ban was defeated.

Tell them that Congress has already compromised on women’s access to abortion, and that we will not accept any additional restrictions on any benefits women have today!

URGENT: Call NOW to Urge Your Senator to Vote to Table the Nelson Anti-Abortion Amendment!

Senator Ben Nelson, a Nebraska Democrat, is expected to introduce a Stupak-like amendment on Monday, 12/9/09, banning abortion coverage from any health care reform-even in insurance coverage that now provides it. Nelson’s amendment will closely mirror the language of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment that was added to the House health reform bill under last-minute pressure from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The Stupak-Pitts Amendment targets middle and lower income women in the same way that the Hyde Amendment does poor women. If it becomes law it will effectively wipe out insurance coverage for abortion in any general fund even if a woman uses her private dollars to pay for the plan.

Senate leadership has devised a strategy of calling for a vote on a motion to table the Nelson amendment. This will require 50 votes. Leadership has identified a series of targeted Senators who need to be called this weekend to urge them to vote for the motion to table the Nelson amendment. If your Senator is one of these, PLEASE CALL HIS/HER WASHINGTON OFFICE THIS WEEKEND!

TARGETED SENATORS: Prior (D-AR), Bayh (D-IN), Dorgan, D-ND, Conrad (D-ND), Byrd (D-WV), Kaufman (D-DE), Landrieu (D-Louisiana), Casey (D-PA) and Kirk (D-MA).

You can reach them through the Capitol switchboard — 202-224-3141.

If these are NOT your Senators, call your Senators’ offices and ask them to pressure these Senators to vote to table the Nelson amendment.

New York’s Senators are Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand.
For Senator Schumer:
Telephone: 202-228-3027
Fax: 202-224-0420

For Senator Gillibrand:
Telephone: 202-224-4451
Fax: 202:228-0282

We must stop these efforts to hobble what is otherwise an historic step toward quality, affordable health care for all!

If you don’t know who or where to call or email? Visit

**Special thanks to Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need

The Senate to Begin Debate – The Battle is About to Begin!

The Current Situation

On Wednesday, November 18th, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced his health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is a proposal that works to merge the Senate HELP and Finance Committees’ proposed health reform bills.

On Saturday, November 21st, the Senate Democrats voted to allow the bill to come to the floor for debate. (All 60 Democrats voted to allow debate; no Republicans voted to permit discussion.)

Right after Thanksgiving break, the Senate will begin debate on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This is when we will all have to become especially vigilant!

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
The good news
is that as far as abortion rights is concerned, it does not include the Stupak-Pitts Amendment.

In response to cries from anti-choice Democrats,
the bill is very specific about the accounting guidelines for the segregation of public and private funds to ensure that no federal money would be used to pay for abortion care. Insurers would be allowed to offer abortion coverage to women in the exchange, including women who choose the public option if the Secretary of HHS ensures that federal money is not being used to pay for the services. The proposed bill also confirms that states would be allowed to pay for abortion services on their own, if the federal government decided not to include those services in the public option.

HOWEVER, in order to save money for the government (not women), the Senate HELP bill that guaranteed women access to family planning services without any extra charges was dropped from the merged bill

States would be allowed the option of covering family planning through Medicaid more easily. Further, other preventive health services and screenings would be covered and exempt from deductibles and co-payment requirements in both public and private insurance plans.

The plan also proposes to do away with gender rating which allowed the insurance industry to charge women more than men for the same coverage. It also would put an end to refusing coverage for pre-existing conditions like breast cancer, domestic violence and cesarean section deliveries and imposing lifetime limits on benefits.

Unfortunately, the plan would not put an end to the insurance industry’s practice of charging older people more than younger individuals. The House bill restricted the age rating price difference to 2:1 while the proposed Senate bill price difference is 3:1.

Feel Good About Ourselves But Not Comfortable
With your help, Choice Matters along with Raising Women’s Voices and other women’s health advocacy groups responded quickly and loudly when the House passed the Stupak-Pitts Amendment. We told Senator Reid not to adopt that amendment or anything like it.

Choice Matters joined the New York Alliance for Women’s Health, a statewide coalition of more than 55 women’s health organizations, to tell Senator Reid not to turn health reform into a political football by including anti-abortion Stupak language.

People for the American Way and other national groups delivered anti-Stupak petitions to Senator Reid’s office with more than 97,000 signatures

Groups not directly involved with reproductive rights expressed outrage. Health Care for All New York sent a letter to Senator Reid on the Stupak language. Health Care for America NOW! and American Public Health Association spoke out against the Stupak language.

A National Day of Action in Washington DC is being planned for December 2nd. Buses are being organized. If you need information, email us:

*Special thanks to Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We Need

Health Care Reform Action Center

President Obama is meeting with Democrats and Republicans on February 25th to work out a health care plan.

The President  released his own health care proposal on February 23rd and IT INCLUDES THE NELSON AMENDMENT!

Very soon, the House and Senate bills will be combined into a single bill—probably through reconciliation* which requires only 51 votes—and then it goes to the President to be signed into law. 

The stark reality is that both the President’s proposal, which includes the Senate’s Nelson Amendment, and the House and Senate bills, as they now stand, will result in greater restrictions to access to abortion than any federal law.

The Nelson amendment in the Senate bill and the President’s proposal, and the Stupak amendment in the House bill will both take away any insurance coverage for abortion that women can now obtain.

We must demand that the Stupak and Nelson amendments both be dropped from any bill passed by Congress and signed into law by the President!

Together we must stop health care reform from becoming a tool in the hands of the anti-choice forces.


1.*Click Here to Send a letter to the President, your Senators and your Representatives.

2.*Call your Senators today (1-877-264-4226), your Representative (1-202-224-3121) AND the President 1-202-456-1111).

Tell them, “This is not the health reform we were promised.”

Tell them, “A health care bill that sets back women’s health coverage by restricting or denying access to abortion coverage is not reform!”

Tell them, “All health care bills must be Stupak/Nelson Free!”

Tell them, in closing, “I vote and I will remember!”

For  New York:                                                                                  
Senator Schumer
Telephone: 202-228-3027
Fax: 202-224-0420

Senator Gillibrand
Telephone: 202-224-4451
Fax: 202-228-0282

For the New York House of Representatives Delegation:                                                                                                                                                                  

 #3 Call or write an e-mail to President Obama telling him that health care reform isn’t reform if women lose the coverage they currently can have for abortion. For example, simple say or write:

“President Obama, you are on record saying that if we liked the health insurance we have, we could keep it. Tell Congress you meant it! Anti-choice extremists and religious zealots should not decide health insurance practices. We are not bargaining chips to mollify the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and anti-choice zealots in Congress who are committed to destroying our reproductive health!”
Click here to email:
Or call: Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414

# 4 Write Letters to the Editor of our local newspaper. Express your outrage at the Stupak and Nelson Amendments and call on Congress and the President to keep new abortion restrictions out of health care reform.
Some Local Newspapers:
The New York Times email to
The Wall Street Journal email to
The Journal News or email to
The Scarsdale Enquirer email to

(*Reconciliation is a legislative process introduced in 1974 which is intended to allow consideration of a contentious budget bill without the threat of filibuster. Reconciliation bills have special Senate protection and are allowed to pass by simple majority votes, after limited debate.)